Happy 2017! We made it. And with the new year comes many
resolutions, mantras, and styles. With Pantone's new color of the
year, we're ready to embrace a wilder side of decorating with
Greenery. We know, green can be an intimidating color to bring
inside. It packs a bright punch, giving any room a revival. That
doesn't mean we should shy away from it though. As Pantone puts it,
"Greenery is nature's neutral. The more submerged people are
in modern life, the greater their innate craving to immerse
themselves in the physical beauty and inherent unity of the natural
So we say go for it! Let's immerse ourselves in this new color.
And as time goes on and your greens begin to fade or chip, we're
there for you with touch-up materials at the ready.
Ultra Marks
Our favorite touch-up tool and the easiest way to get creative
is with Ultra Marks. You typically use these wood
stain markers to replace the color of worn or damaged areas of
furniture. They contain light fast pigments that seal, stain and
finish making it a three in one deal. Ideal for edges and
scratches, they are compatible with all types of finishes,
including painted furniture. And they come in plenty shades of

Blendal Sticks
A close second favorite are the Blendal Sticks. Available in many
shades, but only one of green, these color replacement sticks are
perfect for alterating wood repairs. Blendal Sticks are designed so
you can use as many as you would like, blending them together, to
achieve the perfect match.

FIl Stik
Last but not least are Fil Stiks, used to fill in nicks and
scratches quickly and easily. These will work on almost anything
green you decide to fill your home with like leather furniture,
picture frames, wood, and plastics. Fil Stiks are rubbed on and
then use something similar to a credit card to scrape away excess
putty and wax.

How will you be livening up your home this year? Whether it's
with greenery or something a little more traditional, we want to
see! Share your projects with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.