Valentine's Day is quickly approaching, and we're starting to
feel the love in the air! Whether you're spending the day with a
significant other, your children, or by yourself (no shame), get in
the spirit by creating this unique bouquet and use it as a gift or
just as a decoration in your home!
Supplies Needed

For this quick craft you'll only need 6 things - the best part
is that you probably have most of them at home already!
- Fil Stiks in your choice of color. We used
SYY Red, Country French Red, and Red Brown Mahogany.
- Wooden Heart Cut Outs
- Dowel Rods
- A Jar or Vase
- Filler such as rocks or sand
- Hot Glue Gun
Step One

First, you need to color in the wooden hearts with your Fil Stiks. If you've never used them before,
there's no need to worry! Fil Stiks are extremely easy to use. They
work just like crayons and are specially made to use on wood. Color
both sides, firmly pressing down.
Step Two

After all your hearts are colored, it's time to glue them to the
dowel rods. Using a hot glue gun, place a small bead of glue on one
side of the heart, near the bottom. Lay the tip of the dowel rod in
the glue, switching up the angle every now and again so all the
hearts don't end up in the same position. Allow them to dry for 5
Step 3

After the glue is dry and set, get rid of any excess glue
strings or fly-aways. We also varied the length of the dowel rods
by breaking the rods in half or to whatever length was desired.
Most dowel rods are easy to break, but be careful of sharp ends.
Step Four

Next you'll want to fill the bottom of your vase or jar with
some kind of decorative rocks or sand. This will help the dowel
rods stand straight up, allowing you to arrange them however you
want. The jar doesn't need to be completely full, just a few inches
to give the dowel rods a sturdy base.
Step 5

Arrange the dowel rods however you like, pushing them down into
the rocks so they stay in place. And just like that, you have a
simple and cute Valentine's Day craft in a short amount of time.
This would make a great craft to do with kids and has a lot of
potential variations!

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and Twitter using #MohawkConsumer and keep coming back to see more
DIY ideas!